fido Bayesian multinomial logistic normal models, really fast. Lots of models including linear and non-linear regression, time-series analysis, and joint modeling of multi-omic data. renamed from stray. GitHub
ALDEx2 Analysis Of Differential Abundance Taking Sample and Scale Variation Into Account. This software is authored by Dr. Greg Gloor. We collaborate with Dr. Gloor to implement many of our statistical models within ALDEx2. Bioconductor
RcppHungarian Header library and R functions to solve minimum cost bipartite matching problem using Huhn-Munkres algorithm. CRAN
RcppCoDA Blazing fast library for the analysis of compositional data with both C++ and R interfaces GitHub
philr Phylogenetic partitioning based ILR transform for metagenomics data. Bioconductor
driver Justin’s Personal Utilities for R. GitHub
NVC C++ implemetation with R bindings to quickly solve normal variance component weighting problem GitHub
TeacupCerberus Bayesian Estimation of Covariation Between and Within Two Multivariate Count Datasets GitHub